The client asked our assistance with developing brand identity for a German brand of children's products - Wonder Boy

The products are to be sold on Amazon and the first products on sale are premium quality kids play mats. So to launch the sales, client needed brand logo and packaging.

Wonder Boy
When designing the logo for this project, we were guided by a clear vision and preferences from the client. This beneficially influenced the workflow. At the start were agreed upon several important points.

The colors scheme should not be too bright, rather pastel and calm. The logo should not be associated with only one product, but be independent and fit different product categories.

It is necessary to take into account and layout "Play-Mats" slogan, which, if necessary, be easily changed to another product category. This allows the buyer to better understand which product category is being advertised or sold.
The fairy-tale hero — Wonder Boy
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Client wanted a playful superhero boy as the central character of the logo, it had to be minimalist and directly be associated with the brand.
After logo development we moved on with creating a design for a non-woven bag, in which children's play mats are stored and transferred.

Design was applied from the front side only to the surface under the handle, and also covering the whole back side. Most of the front side has a transparent see-through window, that allows the buyer to better see the pattern of the play mat.
Stylish bag
for a play mat
The last step was design of a craft shipping box in which the products are sent to the buyer directly from Amazon warehouse.

The recognizable character got a slightly different design, but kept an already familiar style. In addition, it was important to illustrate the obligatory icons for sale on Amazon, which indicate product characteristics.
Branded box for transportation
Experiment and make your brand recognizable among demanding buyers
nome team
Kateryna Gret — team lead

Myroslav Gret — art director

Iryna Pavlovych — coordinator

Julia Sanina — middle designer

Mary Tymoshenko — UX/UI designer


Wonder Boy
Rade Matic — founder

Start to work
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